Daily Bonus




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    worthless1985 (Edited )

    I don’t want a badge for paying money to be a VIP. That’s a lame badge. There should at least be an option to decline on the badge. So now I won’t sign in until it gets reset. I’ve happily been a VIP for the last 9 months. I’m on everyday. This nonsense will cause me to cancel my VIP. Way to treat your loyal customers!

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    I agree, I’m a non-VIP that had been on the fence but this nonsense (30-minute ViP privilege vs a day) is a step in the wrong direction. 


    The minute they remove my streak bonus i’m Gone and will find a better way to invest those 2-3 hours a day, mostly clicking ads that must be going away based on their greed to mize non VIP and even VIP customers. 

    Music is about fun, vibe and energy, not profit. Pay the bills and cut even. 

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    Eves Garden

    for two days I havent been able to send back tickets to my contact list, I keep getting a OOPS ERROR please try again I keep trying but nothing . FIX THIS PLEASE 


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    Claudine Vandry

    You made a HUGE mistake. The only reason why I play everyday is not to loose my streak. And I don’t have money to spent on a vip membership. So unless you change the things back to what they was, I will come only when I have time (and that means not often) as soon as my streak will reset. And I’m pretty sure that after a while I will not come back at all. That was a great game, fun to play but your obsession for money made you took a bad track.

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    Ana Clara

    Well, I've been playing for the last 4 years, and not once I've considered leaving it. Until now. That's a huge stupidity.
    The minute my streak bonus is removed, I'm gone forever.

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    Susie Price

    My touch screen to this game hasn't been working for two days now. I've shutdown my phone to see if rebooting would help and it hasn't. It's just frozen on the Daily Bonus screen, except for the "?" in the corner, which is why I'm here. Can anyone explain why this is happening or what I need to do?

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    Choo Kee Huey (Edited )

    I have the exactly same problem with Susie. Asked the songpop support 2 days ago but no constructive response at all. Reinstalled the app so many times but to no avail. I believe I have lost my note streaks since I haven’t been able to go through the daily bonus screen. I have been diligently playing every day for more than a year but now that non vip will not be getting note streaks and my app got frozen, I guess maybe it’s time to say goodbye to all my beloved opponents?

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    Graham Vincent Goodman

    Thanks for the update it won't load on my IPAD IOS 9.3.5, I've now lost the daily rewards which means it will take a lifetime to finish a playlist. If this isn't fixed & my streak restored I won't be renewing my VIP subscription .


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    Hollie Hurtzig

    My update did not include the new daily rewards screen. Is there a delay for some people? I'm seeing people who have been daily players for only a year or so get the new special badge in their daily rewards. I've been a daily player for three years and I still only get the VIP. Can someone please explain this? Thank you.

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    heather.figueroa.14 (Edited )

    I just plain don't like all the changes!!!!!  Leave things the way they were!  I liked getting 24 or 48 hours of VIP every 2 weeks.......and I liked getting tickets that lasted forever....not 15 minutes!!

    Forget this, Songpop........your free tickets for watching videos RARELY WORKS and I am getting tired of this.  I refuse to buy them as they are too expensive on a pension!  One of your Support People has been super helpful with all of the junk that no longer works (cr@p would be a better word)...but I may not play any more.  I don't like this new and horrible Songpop. 

    Another thing I don't like??  Why on earth can't you send an email or put a notice out saying what you are changing and why?  I can never find this up to date website, so don't expect others to find it either.  Thanks to your Support girl who gave me a link, I am on here now. 




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    Francesco Giacalone

    I agree with several of other users. Today loosing my strikes forced me to left playing songpop and I will do all my best to convince my 120 contacts to do the same. It was a shame to loose my +6 bonus points for the 5 correct answers in a row after 560 days playing.

    I think I will return spending my spare time with Candy Crush

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    Whitney Janelle

    I absolutely do not like the new update‼️ I lost all my streaks and they made me start over that’s not fair I’ve been playing this game for almost a year

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    Jody King McBride

    Why can't I get the daily bonus on my laptop anymore?  I haven't gotten it for several days and can't find where to click on it!!

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    The only version I get on my laptop is an ancient one...that has no daily bonuses or ticket sales or special playlists!!!  

    Smarten up Songpop and update the windows version!!!  There are many of us who use our laptops...not smartphones!!

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    Chrissy (Edited )

    I’ve been playing this game since it came out and have logged in every day to keep my streak going, even paying money when I missed a day... but apparently the note streak is going to reset next week since I don’t have VIP! I love this game but I know this is going to cause me to lose interest, mastering playlists takes long enough without VIP. Please listen to the players and change that back! Also having VIP for only a set time sucks because I play the games I have and no one really plays me back before that time is up... I liked getting 1 and 2 days every 2 weeks so much better.

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    Gina Dionisio

    I logged into the game on Friday however my daily rewards didn't load.  I logged on today and it didn't load.  What is going...Now my streak is gone due to system issues.  Please fix and give me back my streak


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    Renee Hunter

    I play daily, sometimes on my phone and sometimes on my computer.  I have recently lost my daily bonus streak because of some sort of glitch, I think.  I never even see anything regarding daily bonus when I play on  the computer and then when I go to play on my phone, it says I missed a day!  I had been playing every day for ages!  When I did miss a day, I'd pay the .99 revive fee.  Song Pop 2, please re-instate my daily streak to show what I have!  Months and years worth of games played!  Fix this glitch so it works on computer!

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    Renee....I have played for 3 or 4 years on both laptop and tablet........there NEVER has been the daily bonus/streak function on a PC laptop.  I get it on my tablet.  The laptop version is incredibly OUT OF DATE!!!!  Probably the first one they ever made!!!  There is no version number on it!! 

    There is also never any of the "special playlists" or sales or any sort of the newer things that are on the tablet/phone version.  Time for us all to start grouching at them every day so that they fix it.  I have talked to a lovely Support person over the lack of videos to get FREE tickets.  Those have disappeared on both laptop and tablet most days.  Do they not want people to play any more???  No, say I......they want you and me to PAY for tickets.  I absolutely refuse to do that!! 

    This used to be a good app and fun to play.....won't be doing so much longer unless they spend some money and fix the damn thing!!  Find Help or Support in the newer app where you change your name, etc.  Maybe Zendesk Support needs more people complaining directly to them.  I got help when I did.

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    Jody King McBride

    Heather--I have played for 5 or 6 years and have ALWAYS gotten the daily bonus/streak on my PC laptop until just recently.  I can get it on my phone but not on my laptop anymore.  I think it stopped working when they did this new update.

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    heather.figueroa.14 (Edited )

    I am in Canada and there are differences.  I would pay $6.99 for VIP, instead of $4.99 in the US.....so I don't. 

    I check SP first thing in the AM on a small tablet before I get up (retired), but am pretty sure it was never on this laptop.  In fact, I haven't checked today, but know it will be that new (crappy) 15 mins. ONLY of VIP, so holding off till later and I will use my tablet.  I do NOT want to lose it by using this laptop. 

    I never see sales, special playlists and all the later goodies in the last couple of years on here.  So we do have a different system I think.  You must be in the US.  One of my friends is and that is how I know about the VIP which I would probably get if it wasn't $2.00 more.....which is a "point of honour".....I can afford it, lol.  She lets me know what she sees and gets.  My other friend is from nearby so we sometimes compare notes. 

    Btw, I have often opened my tablet whilst sitting here in front of my laptop and cross-checked how they look and what they offer.  Definitely VERY different versions!!

    But I do not like this new update...........I like it even less that they don't update the ancient one on my laptop (a new laptop that I bought 6 weeks ago, btw).......it is OLD on this one and the old laptop. 

    Thanks for replying.......

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    Anne-Jan de Jong (Edited )

    I am songpop player since the first release, so this must be about 6 years? I was always a big fan and it was one of my most played (every day)apps. Since yesterday i noticed earning points had changed. Normally you got more points, especiallly when having 5 correct answers in a row. Now i found out it has do to with the note streak, which has been reset since i am no VIP anymore? How stupid is this?! What did you do songpop!? Now it takes ages to master a list and i have to become VIP again to build up my note streak?! (And wait for 6 months till it's Full again?) Also the 1 and 2 day VIP for free status they changed to 15 and 30 minutes. I am very sad and disappointed and almost starting to lose my songpop interest now :-( Is this what you do with all fans of this app? It's starting to look like it's all about the $$$$$$ money now and not about Us, the people, your fans anymore :-( The people who made you big.

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    YES, Ann Jan de Jong....you have it right!!!  All SongPop cares about is the $$$$$$....they no longer care about their loyal players!!  If they did, they would not hae drastically changed this app!!

    Now they insist on all of us paying to be VIP members in order to get what we got for FREE before.  I am rapidly losing interest in this app and I do love it.  I don't know what you paid for VIP but in Canada we have to pay Two Dollars more/month than the US.  It is NOT all that far to the border, for cripes' sake!!  I assume you are in Holland, so you would have to convert what you paid to US Dollars.  Americans just pay $4.99.  

    Good luck and i am going to have a look around at other music quizzes.  


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    This is end of my game. Good luck, i lost my note streak, cause i don't want to buy vip. Thanks, idiots. Money, money, money. I have to look a another music quiz. This is yours shot in the knee. Goodbye.

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    Take back, my fuc**** booost!! 

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    Like many people I have been playing the game since the start and never paid for VIP. I can understand why they are charging, maybe for playlist and servers. But when people say they are quitting when they take away something from gameplay is very silly.

    Sport goes to PPV, line rental and broadband goes up ever year and it’s a choice if you want to pay for it.

    VIP cost over a £1 a week which is about a price of a chocolate bar in uk and one drink in bar cost £5 . So I’m not sure why people are unwilling to pay for £5 a month yet happy to spend on one night on drinks

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    VIP in Canada costs $7 a Month....only $5 in the US!!!  Same airwaves, same distance.  So yours costs £5 and £20+ per MONTH.  Get your facts straight!!

    Plus I don't go to bars or watch PPV... and I don't drink!!  And forcing people to pay for what was free for years is highway robbery!!  No discussion, no warning....no choice!!!  So smarten up!!  You don't make sense!!  Too many pub visits in the UK??

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    Heather dear, please keep this a friendly conversation. Even if you don't agree with what other people are saying there's no justification for starting to insult them.

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    VIP cost £5 a month in the uk, unfortunately things that were once free are now chargeable in uk eg plastics bags. I do agree that they should let know prior of changes but once again it’s a free product and I suppose you pay for what you get.

    I am not rich and do not pay for VIP and put up with what’s on offer in game. I was trying to say that £5 a month works out to be an £1 a week that people can spend on non essential items in life

    Let us know what game is better than this on here and we can compare if it.

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    angedonald44 (Edited )

    Actually, I play a lot of games and I’ve never seen a game actually take away progress from non-paying players until now. Ever. If they want people to pay for VIP, they should make VIP more desirable, not take away the progress of non-VIP players. So, no, there are no games that I’ve seen that have done that. It doesn’t matter what the cost of VIP is, it’s the principle surrounding how they’re doing it. And I’ve been playing Song Pop since the day it launched over 6 years ago.

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    They deleted my boost, cause i don't want to buy a vip. This is disagrece. I accepted VIP Trial for 15/30 minutes, but I open songpop every day, 1,5 years in row. It's my waste of time. It should stay as it is. At the end of the month, they delete again, what I collected. This is unreal for me, and i don't want to play songpop anymore. Money, money, money. Not game - money.

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