Daily Bonus




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    Rosemarie Vecchio Stevens

    For the second time, I missed a day and paid for the revive...then it froze and I couldn’t get out of the streak page without either pressing the button “don’t revive” or “revive for .99” and get charged again. Now my streak will be over and i’m Out that money. It’s not a big deal but not fair, and very annoying.

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    Ana cristina brandao (Edited )

    Bom dia, meu bônus diário nao aparece a uma semana, o q está havendo , nao existe mais ou alguma atualização que nao tenho ?


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    Ana cristina brandao

    Aguardando resposta ..


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    Desculpe Ana Cristina, não falo muito português, mas o serviço de tradução diz que você não recebe seu bônus diário por uma semana. Infelizmente, o Songpop não se importa com seus clientes, então nada é respondido. Saúde do Canadá.

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    Patoche Pat


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    Patoche Pat


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    Patoche Pat


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    Patoche Pat

    anné 80

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    Patoche Pat

    anné 90

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    Patoche Pat

    année 60

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    Patoche Pat


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    Tricia Werneke

    Love it

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    Gina Hicks

    Regina Hicks

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    Gina Hicks

    Regina Hicks

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    Douglas Blaine

    I'm furious. I ensured that I signed in on day 22. Then on day 23, I'm told I didn't do day 22 and have to pay 4.99 to keep my streak active. Screw SongPop if this is the kind of scam you're gong to run. I'll accept when I miss on my own accord, but when I go to lengths to get it right and then get told I still owe money, no. I don't accept that and refuse to patronize your service.

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    Antoinette Williams

    This has happened to me at least 4 times. I really like this game so that’s why I paid. Not good business practice

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    Anderson Maciel

    Ter que assistir comercial o tempo todo, podendo dobrar o prêmio , e mesmo assim dar erro sem justificativa e vc não conseguir o dobro do prêmio ???? Não tem desculpa!!!!

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    Christelle Mora

    Pourquoi ai-je du payer 1,09€ pour ne pas perdre mes bonus quotidiens alors que je joue toujours et je paie déjà l’ab VIP ??

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    Parce que songpop ne se soucie pas de ses clients. Ils veulent juste voler votre argent !!

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    Why does this daily prize calander when you play every day and you get to the last game play at end of month it says you missed it ,and you lose everything and wants you to pay to restore that’s not right ! THAT’S BS NOT GOING TO PAY Also When You Get VIP Award Wants You TO PAY FOR FULL Time Of It not going to happen !
    You need to improve this game !

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    Curt Winger

    While daily bonus can be helpful, I wish players can have options or flexibility for some received bonuses.

    For example, if I receive double points for 30 minutes (as a result of watching your ad), I cannot choose to apply this bonus later. So, when a new day sets in, I have to wait until a certain period of day to open up SongPop2 app so I don't have to waste that 30 minutes if I am in the middle of something. Same goes to Unlimited Tickets and VIP privileges, I better open up the app when it is convenient to play or when I am not too busy.

    Interruptions, disruptions or obstacles can happen throughout the day even when I know that I seem to have time to play. I would love for SongPop or FreshPlanet to add an option to save bonus for later like an option to delay bonus for half an hour to probably 4 hours later. OR provide an option for players to set a time for bonus to be applied like at 4PM or 7PM. In this way, busy players or players that may have some appointments or arrangementts can always open up SongPop2 app without needing to waste their bonus at a certain period.

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    Carol Scott (Edited )

    Thank you so much for asking this question; I feel the same way. I like to ‘check in’ early in the morning in order to ensure I don’t miss a day. But I don’t generally have time to play for a continuous half hour, or even 15 minutes, as much as I like double coins and ticket-free party mode. If this could be deferred and used when it’s convenient throughout the day it would be much more user-friendly.

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    Karlee Duncan

    Why can't I use my visa card to revive in my game? Help me please?


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    Scot A Martel

    First you end SongPop live and now my 4 YEAR streak is gone because I’m no longer a VIP!! I think you’re doing a good job of getting people past their addictions. I’m probably on my way out. Certainly don’t care if I check in each day anymore. Goodbye!

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    app status

    This the best info about the genral apps just click and download it

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    Alison Bachman

    Is there currently a problem?  I have not been able to use FB, my phone app, or the Microsoft app for 2 days. 

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    Didi Sharpe

    I have a new phone and now I can’t login to my SongPop account. How do I reset my password?

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    warren fox

    Went to the game today and while it loads it will not launch. Same on phone. This happened yesterday as well. Unable to get to my account or to contact my list of players to tell them i cant play. Customer support will not respond. Have the game thru microsoft to play after dec. 31 and same result there. After 7 years looks like i am screwed.

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    Gary Deborah Phillips

    Can someone help me please? Yesterday I could get into my game but I couldn’t click play and play anyone nor could I click on my settings or see a persons profile? Then today the bonus screen came up and asked me to pay 1.99 to revive my bonus streak and I did that! It never went past that screen it just spun? So I went out of the game cleared everything out and shut my phone down! I then went back to the game and it went back to bonus with a free revive but nothing it just spins! It will make the sound each time you hit the free revive button but that’s it! I can’t get past that screen now!

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