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    And there are more "bonusses" for normal players: until the last update you could avoid the advertising by using the back-key between 2 games... Gone. Now the fun has gone at last. That's it!

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    Kayemm Gee

    I am relatively new to SongPop as compared to come of the other commenters but I've been playing everyday for almost 8 months and I am quite annoyed to find out I am about to lose my streak bonuses. It is damn near impossible to master playlists without it... still takes long enough with it. This game gave me much needed brain breaks from school work and I enjoyed reminiscing about the songs I used to jam to when I was younger. I will admit I considered paying for VIP when I first joined because I love music that much.. but I do not like a monthly fee. Why is there no one-time fee like so many other games?

    Anyway I say all of this to say, once my streak bonus is gone, I'm gone too. Bye SongPop it's been a great 8 months. Sorry you got so greedy with the money.

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    Craig Kenyon

    Like many others here I am very upset I will be losing my note streak after playing for almost 6 years. Making every playlist twice a hard to master for non-vip members is a big mistake, especially when you consider that the players that it affects the most are your most loyal - the ones who ensure they play every day to keep that streak going!

    Given a big part of your revenue will be for adverts, which only show for regular players, have you considered the fact that by alienating all these players you'll lose a big portion of that income?

    And how do you think your vip players will feel when people they have been playing for years suddenly stop? I feel a connection to my long-standing players and I am sure I can't be alone.

    I hope you reconsider your decision to end the streaks for regular players asap or I will be stopping playing on 26th December. Great Christmas present!!

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    heather.figueroa.14 (Edited )

    Have you all not noticed that Songpop doesn't give a damn????  Not once have they ever answered any of us who complain........that in itself is rude and shows the poor type of management they have!!!  They just shot themselves in the foot and don't care!! 

    I will have to make the decision to quit soon......tired of the ads and I am not paying the INFLATED Canadian price for VIP.  Just got an iPad from my daughter  and there are a lot of song games on there.  

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    Balaga Yavanika

    The trail for non VIP is not a good idea. Before it was at least better. This game WAS great, before that completely disappointed update🙁😥😭😭I guess I'm not the only one who disliked this update.. The game developers have to make changes and release a new BETTER update. It'll better if you make it quick.

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    Why do some 'normal' players still have their streaks? I lost mine with the second-to-last update.

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    Craig Kenyon

    My girlfriend played on her iPad and lost her streak a couple of months ago (and stopped playing as a result). My phone is Android and only just updated. Songpop have been extra sneaky though as I mostly play on my PC, but occasionally play on my phone when that's not possible. Playing on my phone turned off the daily bonus on my PC - which I assume has not yet been updated.

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    Marissa Gates

    This new update is ridiculous. I have been playing for over 4 years and I have never been unhappy until now. I am a non vip who gladly watched the ads. Now my streak is gone and to finish a playlist seems impossible. I enjoyed the one day VIP and other daily perks and now that is gone. I have never thought about leaving until now. Instead of trying to get so much money (which I know the ads give you money as well) you might want to think about the people that play your app. It’s ridiculous.

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    Bruce Vaillancourt

    @G.B. - ‘Normal’ players have realized the value of the entertainment they’re getting for 17 cents (US) per day and subscribed to keep their streak.

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    @Bruce Vaillancourt.........it is also called BLACKMAIL!!!!  They never answer here and they also don't give one sweet damn.  A friend of mine on here who has had VIP for a long time is also thinking of dropping it. 

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    @Craig.....for what it is worth, I have NEVER had the daily bonus on my laptop.  Here in Canada we have an OLDE version which is useless!!!!

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    Wew Lad (Edited )

    I lost my interest because even if I buy VIP now, I'll have to wait for months to get full streak back. Lame, really lame, Songpop.

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    Karl Soderholm (Edited )

    I understand part of the object of creating an app is to make money- but eliminating the streak bonus for non-VIP players is a big mistake. One of the few things I have been willing to spend money on is the $.99 to continue my streak when I forget. Now I will have no reason to do that- Also now non-VIP members will have less incentive to sign in every day, and because of this you will likely receive less ad revenue. Unfortunately, I think this is a good ap going in the wrong direction. As an ex-VIP member, it is decisions such as this one make it less likely that I will ever spend money on this app again.

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    Yulia Gulak

    Where did my daily bonus disappear? I play for many weeks! Why a bonus for 1 day ???? Return my bonus for more than twenty weeks?

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    mistrzmilanu (Edited )

    Change that guys...it's not a big thing. We want only note streak for non-vip. It is a big problem? I'm played 6 years and i lost my bonus, and i lost motivation to play this game.

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    I spent 6 times 30 days to get my full streak and have had it for ages. I’ve watched your adverts, for which you get revenue for 30 days a month. The only relief is the 24 or 48 hours every two weeks that was given to non vip players. So we go from 72 hours vip per month to a maximum of 4 hours ( if an advertiser gives us the honour of watching their advert). But to cap it all when this 30 days ends, you have sign for vip or lose the streak! Well you can stick that where the sun does not shine. Ultimately you will no longer have advertising revenue to bribe people out of. Good luck with that as I will move on to something else. A great game ruined in one step.

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    Angel Mason Altamirano

    The only reason I ever wanted to keep on playing (or even spend any amount of small money) was to keep my mastery streak.
    If I lose everything because I was careless and missed one day, fine. My fault. 
    But if you take away everything I built up in months and took longer to keep just because I'm no VIP user, that's just awful...

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    HEY FOLKS!!  It is now very obvious that Songpop doesn't give a damn!!  No answers, no support people, no "lots of things".  If they cared, they would answer, so they will be the losers!! 

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    Carrie Avery Herweyer

    I can see you’re obviously a little upset about these changes but you’re also obviously not leaving either. I can see that you have left multiple post complaining since October. Yes in Canada it’s going to cost more as the Canadian dollar is worth less than the American dollar I believe the exchange rate is about .74 cents on the dollar right now and that does fluctuate though it hasn’t much so yes you’re not paying dollar for dollar what us Americans are but we also don’t know if there are any other fees involved! My point was it’s a game you CHOOSE to PLAY for FUN. SongPop obviously wants to make a profit what business wouldn’t!!!

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    Yes Carrie.....I am fed up!!  And I have never seen such a poorly run business as Songpop!!  Most businesses......if they want to make a profit.....answer questions and have Support People on their Forums to do that.  So far I have seen NONE!!  That is telling me they don't give a darn about us. 

    I have dealt with the Support Desk directly and they are excellent.  Why can't SP do the same on here??  And btw, I only play the 50's quizzes, plus have 2 good friends on here which I am contacting via Facebook now.  I will find another game.  Too bad, because this used to be a good game......now it isn't. 

    And read above your post.......there are many people on here complaining.....I am merely trying to answer some of them because English is not their first language. 


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    Ellen Christine Swanger

    I hate this new update. I think that it’s dumb that now non vip members can’t have the mastery streaks. I been playing since August of 2012. I got the free trial of vip, just because I don’t want to quit. After the free trial I’m quitting.

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    Dave Pirtle

    OK, that's fine, but I rarely use the app and only installed it recently because I was going to be away from my computer for a few days. I uninstalled it and now...nothing unless I reinstall? Bad look, fellas.

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    Ballisticmike01 (Edited )

    Thanks for the Christmas present Songpop. Take away 3 days of VIP a month and replace with 3 hours and wipe out the mastery streak for non VIPs. No longer are ad watching loyal patrons appreciated by Songpop. Why we feel hard done by is because it is like giving someone a present, let them enjoy it for years and then taking it off them and say the only way you can have it back is if you give them money every month.

    Love the game but not the disdain. I would like to apologise to my opponents for having to leave them hanging. Disappointing.

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    Please anyone can explain me, why when we don't take the badge at the end of daily bonus we lose the note streakes? :(

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    Susan Bev

    Yes you so good

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    Matt Wells

    I will echo the sentiments of others on this thread.

    I have been playing SongPop EVERY DAY for six years, mastering over 300 playlists and having over four stars in over 100 playlists.  This a tremendous slap in the face to everyone who has given their spare time to partake in an enjoyable game.  I will admit that this is the same format SongPop 1 used to use, but once you get used to the way something is working, any change is jarring.

    I was actually going to consider paying $4.99/mo. starting some time this year.  I play every morning, during breaks at work, and at night before bed.  Perhaps, I'm too addicted.  But for $60 per year for enjoyment and completing playlists, I figured why not?

    Then, this week, my progress was reset after getting BLACKMAILED to give $5 to keep the streak.  When I didn't, my progress was reset like I'm some noob.  Now, since they add playlists EVERY FREAKING DAY, I will never be able to master the playlists at the rate I was before.

    Money talks.

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    Hi Matt.......that is sad!!  I can't remember how long I have played (3 or 4 years?), but not all that caught up in competing and for badges. 

    HOWEVER, for people like yourself, this is terrible!!  And I have been saying all along that it is time for us to find another music game similar to this and dump SongPop.  You will notice that NOT ONCE has anyone from SP in the way of Support People or senior admins bothered to come on here and explain or apologize........so that tells me THEY DON'T CARE!!  As long as they keep getting people to pay whatever our country fee is for VIP (mine is $6.99), they don't care if we are enjoying the game or hating what they have tried to force us into. 

    I will find something else to play and no matter what, I will NOT become a VIP....it's called "principle" or "no one forces me to do what they want".  I am in the process of switching my few friends over to Facebook and we will continue our friendships on there.  I will miss it, but I hate blackmail.  One day others will follow.  Hope they go belly up, tbh. 

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    Pam Geis

    Its totally BS what they have done to this game I've been playing since song pop 1 1st came out change it back your not getting my money money grabbing A******S

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    Elysia Romanyshyn

    I am extremely disappointed with the new song pop. I used to play every day so I wouldn't lose my streak and now it doesn't matter if you play for a whole month unless you BUY the VIP you lose it. I don't want to have to pay to keep my streak. I now play maybe once a month because I no longer enjoy it. Once it goes back to its old ways I will start playing again. Very disappointed. I also think it's not right to take away progress for non paying players. Never in my life have I seen a game do that

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    Debbie Ryan

    Been playing songpop for over 8 years, not anymore, all these changes are BS. It all comes down to pay to play or miss out on any kind of rewards. Way to go songpop, what a great way to treat your loyal players. NOT HAPPY........

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