Daily Bonus




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    Jordan Napper

    Don’t waste your money on VIP. It’s great to get the streak boosts but it’s full of errors and keeps telling me I missed a login then charging 6.99 to revive. I’ve spent on a few but I’m very very much over it. 8 years playing SongPop and I’m going to deactivate. Ridiculous and unfortunate but I have to assume this “glitch” is trying to push people to sign up for the insane diamond VIP price. Disappointing to say the least

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    Johnny Stark

    my game loads but it dosent open to play my game


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    Bonnie Okuley Johnson

    I want to be able to play this game on my Apple laptop like I used to be able to do---on Facebook.  Now, I can't play it on Facebook and it isn't downloadable on my laptop but only my iphone????  WHY?  This is ridiculous!  I probably won't continue to use this game!

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    Bonnie if your patient you might get a nice surprise soon 😀

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    Kimberly Tolliver

    Why did I not get my free ticket? I watched the video and was supposed to get 1 free ticket and I did NOT GET IT, WHY?????

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    Steve Dunaway

    Why is it showing I missed playing Song Pop and I have to pay to revive my streak , I play this every day and how did I miss a day, Believe SONGPOP IS BROKEN FIX IT , THIS IS YOUR PROBLEM!!!!

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    Steve Dunaway

    This happens every week, fix the damn thing!

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    Kevin Deeley

    Facebook took away my VIP status for no reason at all over a week ago - Sent over 20 messages reporting this with only automated responses. Then today i log in to find I can't get any further than the daily bonus screen as they want me to to become a VIP (which i already am). WTF is going on Songpop???.  I find your customer service disgusting & you've totally ruined my experience of Songpop over the last week - I've played everyday for over 8 yrs but even my patience is growing thin. Will try to log back in over the next few hours & if not sorted i'll be cancelling my VIP status & turning my back on you.  A very pissed off Songpopper

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    Steve Dunaway

    I play this bonus streak thing everyday and yet it pops up saying you missed a day, this is a money making joke you have going for you !! I refused to pay you a dollar every week to revive the winning rewards that we gained and this is a on going problem that’s needs to be fixed on your part it’s been going on for more than a year now, complaining to you about this is useless!!!!!!

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    Billy Ambos

    cant even buy VIP to get the streak bonus.............songpop takes the money from my bank account,but wont give me the VIP?....so....its a lose...lose situation


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    Saratul ♡ Z

    I just completed 28 days challenge but where is my first strike?? I didn’t get that! WHY

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    Angie D. Brayfield

    I have VIP, but I've been trying to come on board willing to pay the $9.99 per month fee. Every time I go to hit it I get a screen that reads Error Occured. For months I haven't been able to upgrade. What's up with that?

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    Something needs to be done with the feature that lets you get 2X the Daily Bonus by watching a video. For weeks all I get is "no video available", and maybe after force closing the app and restarting over 10 times each day I might get the opportunity to watch a video.

    Funny how videos are really available when I'm playing PVP matches.

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    Shannelle Alexander

    My reward today was 30 minutes VIP but yet I still have commercials?

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    Paul Chumsky

    I get that some days there is no ad to watch and thus no way to double my bonus as a non-plus player. But I frequenTLy waTCh The ad and receive another chance to watch another ad instead of getting my bonus. Sometimes I can play the ad as many as a dozen times without receiving the bonus. I frequently give up and take the single bonus. I don’t object to playing by the rules, but I DO object to the game not playing by the rules.

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    Jonah JT

    Paul, yes! This also happens to me. So annoying.

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    I am not rich and do not pay for VIP and put up with what’s on offer in game. I was trying to say that £5 a month works out to be an £1 a week that people can spend on non essential items in life

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    Shahmeer Maqsood

    I want to boast my website of construction.

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    clopg sane

    I have never had it on my PC....would like it too!!  It’s an old version of SongPop 2 on a PC, no matter what others say!!

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    I missed a single day, and it asked me to pay money instead of an ad. Why? If my streak is lost, I’m done.

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    Mohammad Taha

    The Daily Bonus is a loyalty system where you receive rewards for logging in each day! The rewards range from power-ups to coins to PLUS trials! To ensure your system setup is optimal, you can run an ccc online test . Don't miss out on your daily rewards by logging in consistently!

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    A daily bonus is a reward you receive for logging into an app or game each day. It usually includes in-game currency or items and often increases with consecutive daily logins, encouraging regular engagement.

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