Daily Bonus




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    Justen Guyer

    I want my Daily Bonus back on my PC! 

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    I have never had it on my PC....would like it too!!  It’s an old version of SongPop 2 on a PC, no matter what others say!!  Heck of a difference...no special playlists either!

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    Daniel Cote

    GREEDY GREEDY GREEDY!!! So now I have to pay VIP to get and keep master streak?!?!?! Now there is no incentive for me to log in and play everyday! Wow! 5+years playing your game and this what we get?! GREEDY!!!!

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    Smilja Ćurić

    Is there ever gonna be jbalvin map? Waiting soooo long for it 😬😬

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    I play this game everyday. Most days I am never directed to the first page to collect a daily bonus. So it looks like I didn't play that day when I did. I'm a VIP and have been for years. My streak should be 3 years long but I refuse to pay to keep it going. So I just reset it .

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    Juliana Kayano

    Eu fiquei um dia sem jogar, não me ofereceram reviver gratuitamente e nem pagar. Então terei que jogar novamente por 6 meses diários para recuperar-me. Isso é injusto.

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    Mikaela Arsenault

    I'm locked out of SongPop. I now cannot get my log in with a button click link anymore, because I did not set a password the first time I set my account and am now getting a message saying that this connection is not private instead.

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    Maria Mirela

    I can’t have my Mastery Streak Boost anymore 😭😭 it just start from 0 all over again

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    Michele Achter

    I don't want to pay money to play this game. It tells me I hit a limit of 100 games, that I can't continue anymore unless I buy VIP /delete games.. etc.. I only play like 2 games!  Why is it not allowing me to play?  It never used to be this way. 

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    That's odd, Michele..........I have been playing the same 2 fifties games for 4 years and if I hit a limit, then I would just walk away from Songpop!!  I refuse to pay for VIP and don't care that I don't have s special streak or whatever.,....I just enjoy the 2 games I play.  Sorry to hear that. 


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    Jess Curley

    So I updated the app yesterday and found out I will lose my streak bonus at the end of the bonus calendar month. I have been playing SongPop for over 5 years, logged on daily (almost every day, I’ve had to pay twice) for over 1000 days which is about 3 years just to keep the streak going. So so disappointed

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    Songpop doesn't give a damn Jess.  They started this 6 months ago and NO ONE from support has ever even bothered to answer anyone on here!!!!  Can you say GREEDY!?  Because that is their only reason...they don't give a damn about the faithful players.  I don't bother playing as much anymore.  Found some other games which are free to fill the gap!

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    Randy Kepple
    • This is the third time this has happened! I log into Song Pop on my iPhone and I get a message that I missed a Daily Bonus and if I want to revive it, I need to pay $2.99!

      I was just playing Song Pop less than 12 hours ago! There is an error with your system!

      The last time this happened, I lost nearly 2 years of bonus streaks after using the app daily, as a VIP member!!!

      At this point, I just renewed my VIP status and this happens just a few weeks in. Please resolve this issue. If it can't be resolved, I will contact Apple and ask them to refund my subscription and will delete the app from my phone and stop playing Song Pop!

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    Several problems within last updates :
    I' m no VIP, so between games sometimes appears the selection "see advertise" (Anzeigen sehen) or "try 1 month VIP". Everytime I choose advertise, I can' t hear anything next game and I have to restart. That is really annoying.
    Also I play with few VIPs. Instead of "sharing their VIP" with me, after three-fourth I can' t hear the song anymore.

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    Carol Scott

    That is very unusual. I have been VIP for several years, and none of the guests I’ve ever played with has had this issue. Most of them have been in my players listing since before I became VIP, and no one has messaged me that they’ve noticed any kind of difference whatsoever. And they clearly still hear the songs, because we have some pretty normal win/loss ratios.

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    Hi Carol,
    I can hear the songs, but only for a "normal" while, not the whole VIP-extra-time.

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    I am a VIP member and I hate your new bonuses. Who the heck wants a “thank you” badge?  Not me. I don’t bother paying for a revive because I don’t care about the daily bonuses and I’m not concerned about my streak. I only buy a playlist if I can afford it with the money I get from bonuses otherwise I don’t care. It’s such an obvious cash grab.   You’re not fooling anyone by saying it’s an improved update. Me thinks your actually losing money by this. I am considering ending my VIP status because you’re so greedy.

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    Stacy Heidelberg

    I want to know why it’s showing me that I missed my daily bonus when I still have 20 minutes counting down?!? I’m getting tired of paying to revive I, when technically it’s not passed the time that I’ve been given! This is probably the 5th-7th time this has happened, and the strange thing is that it’s really only been over the last year & a half-ish! I am a VERY loyal player! I’ve played since it was just SongPop, & made the transition over to SongPop 2 when it became available. I NEVER experienced anything like this during all those years, until recently, like I said! But I’m to the point where I’m tired of getting gypped (ripped off) by this game & am considering just letting it go! This needs to be addressed and fixed NOW!!!

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    Paul Williams

    Why is it that it maxes out after you get to +6 on the mastery streak? Now it’s just logging in not to lose what I have, not really gain much more.

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    Allison Jarrell

    I guess I’m one of the few people here that actually like the VIP update. But I wish they would give you a different badge every other week and not the same ones. I do miss the 200 coins every week. That was very helpful since you can only purchase them with money. But what I really don’t understand about the new daily bonuses is the “Pick a Card.” It shows you all the cards like you have a chance to choose the one you want but then it just shuffles them all...so what’s the point of even showing us what’s under the cards??

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    Becca Bradburry Rowland

    Allison- you said it. Its a game of chance. You see what you want - they mix it up, and hopefully you get it. Chances are crap you do, but...there is a chance. 😉😆 gl to ya!

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    Chrispy Pata

    So unfair. I regularly play on my facebook on computer unit. I only played once on my mobile app as I was out of town and I could not find a computer unit. NOW, my daily bonus is gone. SO NOT RIGHT! 

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    Stefan Pedevilla

    I played now for more then 3 years as a vip on the facebook platform.

    Now you changed the bonus system and there are no rewards for players on facebook.

    I dont wont to play with my smartphone.

    If you are not changing this new regulars, so i have to leave this game.

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    Blane Chandler

    I don't understand... A LOT of my friends pay for VIP... I am disabled. I can't afford it. Now even with the money you make off VIP's you are out for money. This was 1 of my 2 favorite games on FB. You really messed it up! GREED is the way of the future I guess. Now the clips are crappy, along with the interface. THANX! :(


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    Nicky Belceska (Edited )

    OMg no I was so happy to have finally new update in computer  but this its awful.
    I paid already when I missed some day coz I didnt want to loose again the streak (old version in Song pop 2 in computer by facebook). I loose already twice . Now I m finally complete this year,, but this stuff its so unfair for non- Vip . I dont want to pay again !!! . I try the free vip for a month, but its doesnt work .

    Im addict of this game since june 2012, but really so disapointed . I will not play in mobile phone I dont like it. I love with computer ^^.


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    Amy Christensen

    I’ve been losing my streak recently, not because I don’t get on the game every day but because of some stupid server error so I can’t get on the game every day. The game should be able to recognize this and not penalize me for the server error.

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    Becca Bradburry Rowland

    Im on the fence right now as whether or not to spend $4.99 & “revive”, and keep spending $4.99 monthly for the game. I’ve been saying to myself as soon as this happens I’m gonna drop it, but I’ve already spent so much $ on the game it’s hard...all the categories I may lose...Anyone know how this will work if I drop this?

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    heather.figueroa.14 (Edited )

    Becca....if you look back thru the 4 pages of complaints......no comments at all.....you will NOT see one answer by anyone at SongPop!!!!  They don't give a damn!  Myself, I am not interested in VIP and it costs us more in Canada.  I just play when I feel like it (most days) but don't pay for a missed bonus.....they are not all that great!!!  So I can't answer your question, but have never, ever seen such a lousy company service as the one that runs this game!!!!

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    William Borders

    I can not play it on my laptop...

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    I played the game yesterday like I do everyday and went to play it this morning and it’s saying I’ve lost my streak because I didn’t play yesterday will I did so can you fix mit up pls

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