I bought tickets and did not receive them.




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    edwin heide

    I did not receive my free tickets (26) for level 105.

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    Jean Campbell

    I did not receive my songpop2 addict pack which I paid £2 99 my invoice number is MLBIYTL25Q ,username Jean Campbell ,e-mail boerkyjean@icloud.com

    thank you 




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    Christine Littmann (Edited )

    Didn't receive my 7 tickets for reaching level 15 and 2 different times I watched an ad for tickets and didn't get them.

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    Bonnie Bostrom

    I paid $19.99 for tickets which I never received nor did I get a credit.  I put in this complaint over a week ago and have yet to hear back anything.  What a rip off

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    Bonnie Bostrom

    It has been over two weeks with NO RESULTS

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    I didn't buy tickets but I signed into Facebook and didn't get my 10 tickets!!!!!!

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    Also I will be done with this game!!!

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    Bonnie Bostrom

    What do I have to do to get my tickets or credit to my account for paying $19.99 x 3.   I have followed all the directions to no avail.

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    Bonnie Bostrom

    you still have NOT answered my question

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    Taylor Fernando

    My little sister brought vip on my account but I didn't want her to can I get. A refund I cancelled the subscription as soon as I found out but the transaction still went through the email address used was panicatthetaylor@gmail.com and the order number is GPA.3359-5802-4909-47752

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    Werner Mignon

    ik ben vip en kan geen nieuwe spelen bij maken

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    Salvador Leiva

    Hi, I didn't received my pack of 20 tickets, neither a confirmation ID in my mail.

    My user name is Salvador Leiva and mi mail is Javier.munoz.leiva@gmail.com 

    According my credit card, the series number is 000000001192, making a transaction to ASTROPAY

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    Ute Luber

    Hi, I didn´t receive my tickets,I bought for 9,99€, Transaktionsnr: 23934-202664-5ABBD072-6810, per facebook by Adyen  on 28. of March!!! Please help

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    Mindy Sigler

    I bought tickets and haven't received them. I bought the $49.00 package. Order ,,#D01-1654809-2947453. My username is Mindy Sigler my email is mindsig75@yahoo.com

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    Mindy Sigler

    Why haven't you fixed this issue yet? It's been 2 days now, it should have been fixed by now!!!

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    Mindy Sigler

    Is there a phone number I can call to reach you guys. I'm very upset I still haven't received what I paid for. Feels like impeding ignored!!

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    Amanda Stevenson

    I bought a $9.99 ticket package 40+3, my account has been charged and no tickets.  Username wam_99091357.      Order # D01-9283265-4009847

    Email dycrediva7@sbcglobal.net


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    Bonnie Bostrom

    Amanda, I have wriien to these people at least four times. I have lost $19.99 x 4 where I have been charged but never received tickets. Good luck

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    Amanda Stevenson

    Nice, well if not resolved I'll b e calling Amazon.  They can fix it as well. 

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    Bonnie Bostrom

    Hope so

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    Grace Jelf

    I won 3rd place on a rainbow party on Sunday 3rd June. It came up.with my reward and j saw it transfer to me on the screen and then it disappeared.

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    Patricia Pujol

    I came 5th on the last Birthday Party, I received the reward, and now the tickets are gone.

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    Angelique de Haan

    Today I paid 4,99 for 20 +1 tickets, didnt get them, my username is Angelique d. email a.dehaan@casema.nl 

    Facebook by  Adyan 4815343448494825  it would be nice to get them.

    Thank you

    regards Angelique


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    Angelique de Haan

    I've got the tickets, thank you very much, you need to click on the link above to submit a request and then they will help you soon :) 

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    Jennifer Dpaul

    I leveled up to level 45 and was supposed to receive 14 tickets but did not receive them! I want my tickets!

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    Hansen Chris

     I am having trouble requesting tickets it is saturday 9:44 pm US central time. i havent had this issue before and this is the first time in several months i am requesting. please help developers at Song Pop 2. i have refreshed sevearl times nothing has changed. i am below the 200 requests.

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    John Zody

    I paid for a missed day and was never credited. Game board rest to Day One.



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    I am owed 19 tickets after reaching the next level.   Can you please credit them to my account? 

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    Fonz Bakker


    Payment ID: 2012457428867266.

    80 + 14 free 94 tickets. 19.99 USD.

    I make over the money at Sunday, March 3 at 3:07 PM.

    When can I receive my tickets???????.

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    Fonz Bakker

    Today?. That will be very soon. Thank Yoy.

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