You can now report or block someone from their profile or their chat info screen.
Blocked PvPs will be automatically chat-blocked, deleted, and won’t appear as a previous opponent.
There is a difference between blocking and reporting:
- Reporting: you can report someone to tell us about bad behavior (with valid reasoning). This will send a us a notification in order to further evaluate the action of the user you reported. Depending on the volume and severity of reports, a user may be banned from the game for a certain period of time.
Warning: reporting another user for no reason could lead to a ban for the accuser- please take reporting a fellow player seriously!
Banned users cannot create games, join parties, send chat messages, appear in best match or random matches.
- Blocking: Blocking another user will hide the involved users from each other and prevent any interaction between them.
If you would like to block or report another player, go to their profile- you should see 3 small dots in the top right corner. Click on them to view an option to report or block the user.
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