
Jane Mango Bingo

  • Total activity 18
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  • Also some who constantly win the same Party reporting other players they perceive as a threat, as they resent having to use more tickets to repeatedly 'win' the same badge; what's that about?! :'D ...

  • If they don't know good music when they hear it, they never will. But yes; should be a playlist for those of us with ears.

  • 'Introvert' is an old fashioned label for people who arn't loud & gobby 'in your face' types? - But why would that determine your music taste? Still, guess it's as valid as many other unusual SongP...

  • I've had problems since Chrome 'upgraded' itself in Sept? No tickets at all...! Not good. I need to sign in via another search engine to check if it's Chrome or SongPop itself.*Message them again t...