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Recent activity by Kermit11 Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • Opposite gender covers

    Male artists covering songs originally performed by female artists, or vice versa. Note: first 100 on the list are interleaved, alternating between male and female artists; the next 50 are mostly f...

  • Eponymous

    Songs with titles referring to the artists performing them Here's a list of 150 eponymous songs that I came up with: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2Ej8z2O5daUlqKdrvozcq4   Feel free to suggest ...

  • Same... but different? Vol. 2

    If you liked the original playlist in the game, you'll love this continuation. Groups of different songs (not covers) that share the same title. Contains 300 songs divided to groups of four. https:...

  • All The Children Say

    These songs feature children choirs: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5SRY0OJKzceEJmXt7u8vvX?si=ea9691fc05884567   Everyone's welcome to suggest more additions to this playlist in the comments bel...

  • Indie Ballads

    These indie acts show off their softer side: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0YLEFANlBpzvXesKqauSg9?si=73083f24895947e0 (PS: I've collected a little more than 100 songs. This can be squeezed to f...

  • Confusing Fours

    Each four songs here have very confusing titles... so take your time before guessing. Note: this will require a small development effort to pick the suggested options in groups of 4, instead of ran...

  • Latin hits in English

    These hits have the Latin rhythm and heat, but the lyrics are (mainly) in English. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/19P3URg4QHbFwEP0XzCv5M

  • Hey, that was our name!

    EDIT: Apparently a similar list with the same idea already exists in the game (called "Mind Games"), so no point in this one. Keeping this post for reference only.   These song titles are also name...

  • Strategy Guide for winning in party mode

    Hi there :) I've written some rules that might help you win a party in SP2. I'd appreciate any comments you might have, and please feel free to add your own tips.   Never go for the win if you don...