

  • Total activity 8
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Recent activity by mistrzmilanu Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • They deleted my boost, cause i don't want to buy a vip. This is disagrece. I accepted VIP Trial for 15/30 minutes, but I open songpop every day, 1,5 years in row. It's my waste of time. It should s...

  • This is end of my game. Good luck, i lost my note streak, cause i don't want to buy vip. Thanks, idiots. Money, money, money. I have to look a another music quiz. This is yours shot in the knee. Go...

  • Change that guys...it's not a big thing. We want only note streak for non-vip. It is a big problem? I'm played 6 years and i lost my bonus, and i lost motivation to play this game.

  • Take back, my fuc**** booost!!