
Catherine Usina

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    Catherine Usina commented,

    Here is the response I received from Songpop:   Ingrid Gaitan (SongPop 2) Jun 27, 15:37 EDT Hi, In an effort to improve your gameplay experience we have decided to remove the option to adjust F...

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    Catherine Usina commented,

    They are not going to.  It TOTALLY sucks!!!!

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    Catherine Usina created a post,


    how about re-releasing Aerosmith for a badge and adding a Best of playlist for them also.

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    Catherine Usina commented,

    This is the response I got from Songpop.   Ingrid Gaitan (SongPop 2) Jun 27, 15:37 EDT Hi, In an effort to improve your gameplay experience we have decided to remove the option to adjust Fastpl...

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    Catherine Usina commented,

    They sent me this.... Ingrid Gaitan (SongPop 2) Jun 27, 15:37 EDT Hi, In an effort to improve your gameplay experience we have decided to remove the option to adjust Fastplay setting. Unfortun...

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    Catherine Usina commented,

    I posted it elsewhere,  it this is what they sent me... Ingrid Gaitan (SongPop 2) Jun 27, 15:37 EDT Hi, In an effort to improve your gameplay experience we have decided to remove the option to...

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    Catherine Usina created a post,

    Fast play 😡

    Here is what I received from songpop.   Ingrid Gaitan (SongPop 2) Jun 27, 15:37 EDT Hi, In an effort to improve your gameplay experience we have decided to remove the option to adjust Fastplay...

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    Catherine Usina commented,

    I got a response that it is what it is.

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    Catherine Usina created a post,

    Fast play

    this is ridiculous.  They’ve taken away the option and now we HAVE to play in fast play mode?!?!  What a bunch of BS!!!!

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    Catherine Usina commented,

    I agree, can’t play this way