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Recent activity by heather.figueroa.14 Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • Parce que songpop ne se soucie pas de ses clients. Ils veulent juste voler votre argent !!

  • Desculpe Ana Cristina, não falo muito português, mas o serviço de tradução diz que você não recebe seu bônus diário por uma semana. Infelizmente, o Songpop não se importa com seus clientes, então n...

  • Becca....if you look back thru the 4 pages of complaints......no comments at all.....you will NOT see one answer by anyone at SongPop!!!!  They don't give a damn!  Myself, I am not interested in VI...

  • Songpop doesn't give a damn Jess.  They started this 6 months ago and NO ONE from support has ever even bothered to answer anyone on here!!!!  Can you say GREEDY!?  Because that is their only reaso...

  • That's odd, Michele..........I have been playing the same 2 fifties games for 4 years and if I hit a limit, then I would just walk away from Songpop!!  I refuse to pay for VIP and don't care that I...

  • I have never had it on my PC....would like it too!!  It’s an old version of SongPop 2 on a PC, no matter what others say!!  Heck of a difference...no special playlists either!

  • Hi Matt.......that is sad!!  I can't remember how long I have played (3 or 4 years?), but not all that caught up in competing and for badges.  HOWEVER, for people like yourself, this is terrible!! ...

  • Yes Carrie.....I am fed up!!  And I have never seen such a poorly run business as Songpop!!  Most businesses......if they want to make a profit.....answer questions and have Support People on their...

  • HEY FOLKS!!  It is now very obvious that Songpop doesn't give a damn!!  No answers, no support people, no "lots of things".  If they cared, they would answer, so they will be the losers!! 

  • @Craig.....for what it is worth, I have NEVER had the daily bonus on my laptop.  Here in Canada we have an OLDE version which is useless!!!!