Free tickets
Have you increase the time to get or limit the free tickets (after seeing the add video of course) on a day...
I cant get them til 10 hours from now...
I Expect you can fix this problem...
a big salute!
Same. It seems we are only allowed to get 5 tickets per day by watching ads. If lack of advertisers is the problem, then just space out the videos available—like every thirty minutes instead of 5, but make the ads worth more than 1 ticket. I already pay $5.00/month for VIP—it just feels like a money grub. Especially when the # of tickets you win for party prizes or leveling up is a JOKE. It’s ridiculous to make playing the game more difficult to play without increasing any incentives for playing.
Agreed!! Irritated and feel they are making a BAD business decision OR are just trying to make more money..
SongPop has recently turned on a LIMIT to 5 free tickets (IF you watch 5 ads) PER DAY! States it made it “fair for all users”...well, not really!! If I have time to play, now I’m limited to BUY more tickets to play or maybe just play once a week?? Stupid business decision and I’m debating getting off VIP when monthly renewal hits. Looking for a new game/trivia that isn’t so gauging. Any suggestions? -
I got the same answer and I wrote them back telling them I too felt it was a lack of revenue and it was their way of making it up. Money is more than likely tight for all and they in my estimation will be losing players. The very least they could have let the players know it was coming as a courtesy. People have been playing for many, many years and I'm sure are a bit irritated by this.
Have you increment an opportunity to get or restrict the free tickets (subsequent to seeing the add video obviously) on a day...
Think this was done to make things fairer for all players. Some were getting hundreds of tickets a day watching videos while other regions they were getting hardly any. Availability of videos was highly dependent on willing advertisers in each zone. Hardly fair on the players. Now it's a level playing field.
Gary my guess is you must be a Songpop employee, but that doesn't change the fact that honestly it's only a level playing field now if you can monetarily afford it and so, so many of these players can't or just don't want to. They really feel it's not worth what SongPop is asking for it. Quite frankly why would anyone pay $19.99 for not a whole lot more than what your getting now. If you do the math with all it says its offering its absolutely not worth the price increase they are asking. In my opinion a lot of these people who are upgrading are only doing it for the badge ( the hard-core badge hunters) and yes you will make money on that but more than likely these buyers will dump it once their first month is over because you get to keep the badge even if you drop the Diamond VIP. I also don't believe anyone is buying that video story. This game has to be losing revenue due to the calamity we are all trying to get through and they are probably losing advertisers. They must be trying to recoup revenue loss by asking the more moneyed players to anti up and a majority wont because right now their disposable income has dried up. I've asked many and they have explained to me why it isn't worth it to them. I would love to know which zones they say couldn't get videos because everyone I've talked across the globe on this game never had a problem getting these so called elusive videos. I know its a business and they need to make money but not on the backs of those who can least afford it right now.
mimsy21 No I never worked for them. Just a player and never received any benefit for over 500 support posts here during last 5yrs. It's a "User Forum", the makers don't reply to these posts. Been playing a long time so have connections and often know lots more than I can say. I also have worldwide players and in my Australian region we would have droughts of weeks at a time with no videos, at best a handful a day when available while USA players were collecting hundreds a day. Not happy about 5 tkts a day either which I can get now. Having money to buy tkts is certainly not a level playing field, quite the opposite, it's an advantage. VIP subscription is my only spend.
SongPop has recently turned on a LIMIT to 5 free tickets (IF you watch 5 ads) PER DAY! States it made it “fair for all users”...well, not really!! If I have time to play forex course, now I’m limited to BUY more tickets to play or maybe just play once a week?? Stupid business decision and I’m debating getting off VIP when monthly renewal hits. Looking for a new game/trivia that isn’t so gauging. Any suggestions?
Remini Pro Apk is the Best application I have tried on which you can edit your videos and restore old images.
Remini Mod APK is the Best application I have tried on which you can edit your videos and restore old images.
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