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    Dawn Dill

    I've been playing on Microsoft edge, each day it asks to update flash player and then I usually click on allow one time. today....I get a screen that says 'learn how to update flash player', my flash player is on, nothing has changed, I went through all the steps that it says to do, again, flash player IS enabled. 


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    Lynda O

    I am having the same problem on Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. My Flash player IS enabled.Nothing has changed. I have asked SongPop through e-mail and sent Facebook message. Is this a problem everyone is having??

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    Glenn Kilroy

    I've been having the Same Issue on Edge for Windows 10 for the Last 5 days or so.
    My Adobe Flash is Up to date, It's Enabled. I know its not my Browser because the Adobe Test Image works fine.
    Please hurry up to fix it. I'm getting pissed off playing it on my Phone.


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    Amber M.

    Hello Don,


    If you are playing on Chrome, please see this article:

    Hopefully that helps to explain what is going on :)

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    Trish Reibert

    I was playing on Facebook Gameroom, and I'm getting the message "Adobe Flash not Enabled" it is "enabled" and it still won't work. I'm ready to just uninstall and find something else to waste time on. 


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