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    Layla Dawson

    Why is my profile pic not showing?

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    Meghann Murphy

    I've been trying to change my profile picture for over two weeks and it won't let me. I've never had this problem in the past so I don't know what's wrong.

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    Marc Abramson

    I have a profile picture on my tablet but not on either one of the computers I use. some of my opponents are robots too but they all have pictures on my tablet. funny thing is that even when I play from the tablet, people are still seeing the robot picture. 

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    Larry Lepine

    I'm having the same issue as these people. On my phone it shows my profile picture. On my computer the profile picture  has somehow changed to a generic picture. How do I change it to one I choose?

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    Rhona Grime

    Hi my profile picture has disappeared .Been playing this game for a very long time and has never happened before when i have changed my profile picture on Facebook. I cannot get it back has now changed to a generic picture.

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    Mary Trible

    my profile picture disappeared been playing this game for awhile now so how do i get my profile picture back 

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