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    Robin Rich

    Says that I've completed 4 weekly challenges but I've completed every single one since it started. UGH!

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    Robin Rich

    Yeah... I get that it's a MONTHLY pass... I'm referring to the WEEKLY missions. If there are only 4 per week l, why have I had 4 since it started?

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    Robin Rich

    It's really not that big of a deal... just irritatingly confusing.

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    Robin pls read my answer again and realise that it's now Week 2 of July so there are 4 new Weekly missions available

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    Gary (Edited )

    WEEKLY missions, there are only 4 per week, it's still 1st WEEK of July so nobody has completed more than 4 as thats all there has been. Everything resets 1st of month thats why its called MONTHLY pass

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