

  • Total activity 43
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  • Votes 25
  • Subscriptions 8


Recent activity by Stewartmelody127 Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • Can't login to play game

    I just recently tried to login to Songpop. There was a Thanksgiving theme, and the record on the screen won't stop spinning and won't go to the login screen. Therefore I can't play the game. This i...

  • No camera

    Dear representative, I just recently got a daily reward that was unlimited tickets for the party. But when I tried to collect the reward, there was no camera to get my free tickets. There hasn't be...

  • Song mistakes

    I noticed in some playlists, sending and receiving from opponents, that the answers were off. For example, in the 90s Jukebox playlist, Smashing Pumpkins song "Tonight tonight" isn't the right song...

  • Playlist suggestion

    I would really like for them to come out with a Creed playlist, please.

  • Artist

     I would like to see Creed become a playlist.