
Rana Lawrence Mitchell

  • Total activity 12
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  • Following 0 users
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  • Votes 1
  • Subscriptions 5


Recent activity by Rana Lawrence Mitchell Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • revive charge refund

    How do I get a refund for you charging 99 cents to revive my account but I had to start over.

  • account suspended

    WHY does it say my account is suspended?  I have been playing for almost 10 years.  I didn't get any notification of this and I need an answer.  Does this have anything to do with someone who block...

  • suspended

    Please advise why my account was suspended

  • suspended

    WHY DOES IT SAY I AM SUSPENDED?  I cant play friends. my trials arent playing and I cant change my profile???

  • opponents

     how do I get back an opponent I deleted in error