

  • Total activity 25
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Recent activity by SueM03 Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • Profile picture change error notification

    When I try changing my profile picture, I get an error message. Why?

  • Songpop classic special app

    t says to get the app from microsoft store.  I don't see anything even close to close to it in the store. Beside the subscription I have invested quite a bit of money in tickets.  If I don't get he...

  • Songpop classic special app

    It says to get the app from microsoft store.  I don't see anything even close to close to it in the store. Beside the subscription I have invested quite a bit of money in tickets.  If I don't get h...

  • Purchasing tickets

    Can't buy tickets told I already own this.  I see someone bought them through their phone except m y phone is android so I can't get into it to play.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • October Monthly pass

    I filled October twice & it started a third time.  Why didn't I get credited with the first or second one?