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  • Agreed!! Irritated and feel they are making a BAD business decision OR are just trying to make more money.. SongPop has recently turned on a LIMIT to 5 free tickets (IF you watch 5 ads) PER DAY!...

  • When my monthly VIP expires, I’m out unless they bring back the free ticket per 5 minutes. This gives them a few weeks 🤬🤬🤬 and I know it can be fixed in moments!!

  • Yes, that are tightening things up to grow their margins, not necessarily their subscribers! Just limited their daily “allowance” of “free tickets” to 5, so “IT’S FAIR FOR EVERYONE??” It seem you...

  • SongPop has recently turned on a LIMIT to 5 free tickets (IF you watch 5 ads) PER DAY! States it made it “fair for all users”...well, not really!! If I have time to play, now I’m limited to BUY m...