

  • Total activity 12
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Recent activity by basil.abil Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • Taylor Swift Playlist info correction

    So, I'm a huge fan of Taylor Swift and she's my favorite artist ever, and I've already completed full 3 music notes and I've saved her playlist as one of my playlists, and when I check her playlist...

  • Taylor Swift Playlist info correction

    So, I'm a huge fan of Taylor Swift and she's my favorite artist ever, and I've already completed full 3 music notes and I've saved her playlist as one of my playlists, and when I check her playlist...

  • Taylor Swift Playlist info error

    So, I'm a huge fan of Taylor Swift and she's my favorite artist ever, and I've already completed full 3 music notes and I've saved her playlist as one of my playlists, and when I check her playlist...

  • Taylor Swift Playlist info correction

    So, I'm a huge fan of Taylor Swift, and she's my favorite artist ever, and I've already completed full 3 music notes and I've saved her playlist as one of my playlists, and when I check her playlis...

  • Taylor Swift Playlist info correction

    So, I'm a huge fan of Taylor Swift, and she's my favorite artist ever, and I've already completed full 3 music notes and I've saved her playlist as one of my playlists, and when I check her playlis...