
Apeiron Brmc

  • Total activity 10
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Recent activity by Apeiron Brmc Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • Daily Bonus DON´T WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here we go again for the 9th time: I'm playing EVERY DAY but once again i did not receive my daily bonus.  I'm paying a fortune in REVIVE!!! I demand a swift return of my payments! Dear Zendesk, YO...

  • Daily Bonus DON´T WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm playing EVERY DAY but once again i do not receive my daily bonus. This is the 8th time this happens. I'm paying a fortune in REVIVE!!! I demand a swift return of my payment! Dear Zendesk, YOU H...

  • Daily Bonus DON´T WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm playing EVERY DAY but once again i do not receive my daily bonus. This is the 7th time this happens. I'm paying a fortune in REVIVE!!! I demand a swift return of my payment! Dear Zendesk, YOU H...

  • ERROR - MISSING registration of daily visit

    Once again the SongPop-app didn't register my daily visit. It's now the 6th time it happen. Every time it costs me a revive on 45 danish kroner. I demand a swift return of my payment and i demand t...

  • Daily Bonus FAILED!

    For the 2nd time SongPop2 FAILED to update my daily bonus.  I have now payed Revive for the price of two times 45 Danish Kroner. I expect a swift return of these amounts to my account! And you need...