
Matthew Genovese

  • Total activity 15
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  • Votes 5
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Recent activity by Matthew Genovese Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • I Hate My Songs

    You may like them but they don't: these are songs musicians don't like of their own, whether it be a solo artist or one or more people in a band or group. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3GDo9K8M...

  • Dance Central Playlist

    A playlist with all songs featured in the Dance Central game:   https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7zAOBWtm24zvJ6yzTDZD4p?si=92bH7dPhShGonx9t2dYkrA

  • There, Their, They're

    I came up with an idea for a Mixtape List titled "There, Their, They're", where the three word variations (which are commonly confused) appear in the song title.  Playlist: https://open.spotify.com...

  • Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

    I would love to see a playlist dedicated to the musical comedy Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. It would be great with many original songs from the series.

  • Songs that appeared on the show Friends

    Here are a few suggestions: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/49oJDWQvQYyPGoo9CHvnl3?si=kr-AAIHaTEWPIpgq8rtBvA