
Edward Reese-Wensley

The one and only Sgt Leppard, the resident classic hard rock nerdlord. Ranting is my business and business is good

  • Total activity 133
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  • Votes 84
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Recent activity by Edward Reese-Wensley Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • Tony Bennett

    Tony Bennett passed away today and the game doesn't already have a playlist for him. There should be one so more people know just how amazing he was

  • Lower the Monthly Mission Requirement

    "Win PVPs against 500 different opponents"? No one has time to even play against 150 different people in a single month, never mind 500 and certainly not winning at least once each time. That is si...

  • Inkubus Sukkubus

    Some of their songs already exist in the game [i.e. Wytches, Beltaine, Heart of Lilith, etc] so why not have a proper playlist for them? I'd certainly have a ball playing their massive back catalogue