Edward Reese-Wensley
The one and only Sgt Leppard, the resident classic hard rock nerdlord. Ranting is my business and business is good
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You have to have a Plus subscription and a linked SP3 account in order to have access to the playlist
Nope. All you need is your email as that's what your SongPop account is tied to, not Facebook
Y'all do realise that's cheating, right? That can get you banned from the game and pretty much every other game in existence because they do not allow automation
You're gonna have to talk to Support about that
Amblair There isn't, at least not a viable way -- SongPop isn't available in the Microsoft Store and support refuses to answer my questions as to why. You can get to them without linking, but it re...
I know some of the tracks start off inaudibly quiet before gradually getting loud enough to actually hear and some [for some strange reason] have a second or two of total silence before the very be...
And SongPop isn't in the Microsoft Store because...?
Going through all your PVP games just to get to party mode is not a viable workaround
It's a part of the other, and frankly worse, SongPop game. They're trying to make people play the other game just to complete that mission in Classic. It's not worth it, just swap it out
You can't rename playlists. Playlist names are set by the game's developers and cannot be changed by anyone except them