
Andy D

  • Total activity 97
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  • Votes 52
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Recent activity by Andy D Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • Hide your answers

    Everyone's been in this situation: you totally bombed on your sent playlist but there's still a chance you might be able to win if the other party isn't able to follow on a few songs you guessed ri...

  • Best Of Bruce Springsteen

    I know there's been a Bruce Springsteen playlist in the past but as with a lot of playlists of bands I love, there are a lot of obscure songs and B-sides in there (The Cure, David Bowie, U2, Smashi...

  • More statistics

    I'd love to be able to see more statistics such as - own highscores per playlist - ability to see the percentage of won/lost games per playlist - most succesful playlists (expansion on previous sug...

  • Lose the week after 3 nudges without playing

    I have a suggestion to improve the "fairness" of the game. Lately I've had quite a few challengers who won't play anymore after getting ahead. It's really frustrating and after people who keep on s...

  • Didn't receive power ups this week

    I should've won 90 power ups this week but when I clicked on "next" after the overview of the week nothing happened. I had about 150 power ups and this amount remained the same. Anyone else got thi...

  • Editors

    Not as famous in the States as Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand or The Killers but in Europe just as big so for me they definitely deserve a playlist (along with Bloc Party and Interpol).