

  • Total activity 61
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Recent activity by Mendelski Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • Dramatic Pause

    Many players are already used to some songs known for the silent pause they have, such as Mack the Knife, Ride like the wind. Now, imagine an entire list of pauses. For the anxious would be an almo...

  • Cover playlist

    As there is a New badge for covers, why don't release a brazilian covers playlist? Lots of famous songs with a different beat (some are really funny versions). Find my playlist on spotify: https://...

  • New Sunday timeslot for New playlists badge

    Here is an idea for a New time and New kind of playlist. #SundayBestOf. Every sunday morning there could be a playlist with 10 songs from each list released during the week. This could stand a "New...