

  • Total activity 59
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  • Votes 23
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Recent activity by Lorenz.lassek Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • Employ a costumer service assistant!

    So many great proposals in the community on how to improve SongPop and the are NO reactions. Please hire a costumer service assistant - e.g. a trainee!  (I would do this job for little money!) 

  • How do my wrong answers sound?

    I suppose that's a big issue feature to install but it would be a really great one! If you could listen not only to the right answers after the game but also could listen, how your wrong answer wou...

  • How do my wrong answers sound?

    I suppose that's a big issue feature to install but it would be a really great one! If you could listen not only to the right answers after the game but also could listen, how your wrong answer wou...

  • Wrong/broken cover pictures, Amazon links, Youtube links

    To get these little bugs fixed, let the SongPop users work for you and let them add the right cover pictures and the right Amazon and YouTube URLs. I'm quite sure, that this confidence in your user...

  • Rewards for clicking / using ads

    Ads become LOTS more beneficial, if users use them, so clicking on ads should be rewarded somehow. And more rewards should be given to not only clicking at the ads but downloading/using the ad-app ...

  • Spotify links = 60$ (negotiable)

    Not only amazon and YouTube...  I'd pay 70$ or more for this spotify feature (who would also pay??)   And on top of paying, I would research the Spotify links playlist by playlist for you!! 

  • Links to Wikipedia articles: 150$ (negotiable)

    1. Artist or composer article  2. Album article  3. Track article 4. Playlist article With automatically linking to the articles in Wikipedia in my native language and only  if not existing: Englis...

  • essential symphonies

    I'm missing the most famous symphonies in the classical section.  I'd pay you let's say 50$ (price negotiable) for that AND relieve you of most of the work, researching: - the Amazon and YouTube li...

  • Year of release information

    I would pay 100$ if you could give the information of the year of release to all of your tracks. Who would also pay some money to make this feature happen?