
Rich Kelley

  • Total activity 18
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  • Subscriptions 7


Recent activity by Rich Kelley Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • 2020 Year-End Review

    I keep getting messages that Songpop has sent me an email with more info about my 2020 Year-end review, but I have never received this email. And yes, I have checked my spam folder. How do I get So...

  • End of the week report on wins and losses

    This is the second week in a row when I did not get the end of the week report on my wins and losses for the past week and the scroll if players I won against and the report of power ups won. Have ...

  • How does re-challenge work?

    can someone explain how I can re-challenge a player who has deleted me? When I look at the player’s account it says I have to wait 7 days before I can re-challenge, but after I have waited 7 days a...