For years I have been waiting for SongPop to release an alt-J playlist. Bands way smaller than them have gotten a playlist.
alt-J is an amazing Art Rock/Indie Rock/Indie Pop/Folktronica/Psychedelia band which has won the Mercury Prize. They have just released their 4th album (meaning their ENTIRE discography can fit into a playlist!) and they already have some of their hits in various random SongPop playlists.
If you want, you can tell me what the amount of songs limit a playlist can have is and I will gladly compile the playlist for you.
Thank you :)
olachlabicz exactly!!
I've received an email response from them, they said it's a matter of copyrights issue with the alt-J playlist :( We need to ask them to find a way around it as they do with other playlists
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