June montly pass - 7 playlists



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    marcus.simkin.9 (Edited )

    I'm wanting to know what to do also. It currently says I have achieved 1/7 (one from seven I presume). It says "send 7 playlists for the first time in a PVP game." I'm not sure what first time means. I don't know how I achieved 1 - how do we achieve the mission? We are choosing to accept. :-) - Just thinking - it might be new playlists that we have never sent to anyone before. I'm VIP so I can just randomly choose playlists I have never played before.

    That worked. Seven playlists that you have never sent before. I now have achieved 2 from 7.

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    Send a playlist that you havent sent before to one of your players (PvP Player vs Player). Repeat 7 times. Try a genre you would never play or a "new" or "re-release" playlist.

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