Should limit amount of plays in partys
Can't compete unless you have lots of money to buy a zillion tickets. the winner doesnt mean you are the better player, all it means is you have the time and money to play all day and spend 100 dollars.
To make competetive the plays in any one tournament need to be limited to like 50 and even then one has to probably spend some money but I know thats how songpop gets their money. But more people would continue to play if was competetive. It seems alot of people just play a few rounds and then stop playing it because somebody alwayshas 200,000 points because they just keep playing and playing and have a ton of powerups along with the tickets
It's disguised as a skill game but if it really was, same people would always win. Way it is gives opportunity to more people. Done many 200k's even a few 400k's but have seen scores go to 2 million on occasion. Suggest you try lower scoring, more obscure parties first, stake them out, learn which players normally win, get in top 25 prizes to build bank of tickets and powerups. Play without powerups, they are best reserved to defend against attacks when winning. Take note of the playlists and master them. Stay away from special parties they will empty your bank.
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