Error in the US TV Shows playlist



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    Robin Blomquist

    My favorite US TV show error is Walls Cornetto. I looked it up and apparently it’s Italian ice cream that was advertised/sold only in Europe. So it’s not US; not a TV show; and not a theme song. That’s three strikes on one music clip. A triple play of errors is just song pop hall of fame material.

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    Anne Maagaard


    I'm European, and I wondered about that one as well... 

    Furthermore, the version of the theme tune from "Dallas" used in the game is very different from the one, you'd actually hear at the start of the TV show, so it takes a while to recognize it... I think that's pretty sloppy as well... 

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    Robin Blomquist

    They also have a playlist of 80s TV theme songs and it sounds like they were all recorded on a $20 toy keyboard. Completely unrecognizable from the originals.  The biggest complaint of this game by Americans is the large number of songs/artists used that were never released in the states.  This game is from a French company and they rely heavily on music from French, British and Italian sources never released globally.

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