Mastery points question



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    I'm pretty sure your ranking is calculated at the time you "master" it so further playing won't change that.  There are new songs added I think when you achieve "mastered" so if you're playing that list in parties for example you might want to keep practising it to get it 100% right in party. If you sort your playlists by "mastered" further progress does promote that playlist to a higher place on your list so the highest list is always the most mastered.

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    Awesome! TY for responding!

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    Lynn Palermo

    All I want to do is win a badge or two no don't want to dish out $50.00 in order to do that. I think I'm good enough, but for some reason, it has yet to happen. Why won't you accept my credit card?

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    Lynn Palermo

    It's fishy how about a month ago I bought a $25.00 and a $10.00 thing from I tunes but when I looked at my account, there was a charge for $25.00, $23.37, $13.78, and $.78. What don't you guys make enough coin, you gotta rip off your customers too? Just for the headache of having to cancel my debit card, go down to the bank, on my lunch hour, thanks so much. Why don't you give me some extra coins and tickets for free. And stop ripping people off that are putting food on your table. That was really upsetting!

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    Lynn with those sort of problems you need to write to them
    make sure you provide Songpop username
    The only answers you might get in here are from other players like me.

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