it should be said up that players can use coins to buy tickets after all if we can buy powerups and playlists why not tickets too?
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So you have to be Facebook friends with other SongPop players to use this, then when you click the envelope their name will appear for you to request tickets from. The tickets are free, not from the other players stockpile. If you set it up with many players you soon have a daily supply of tickets flooding in. I would suggest when you friend people you don't know in Facebook to get tickets, you should place them on your "Restricted" friends list for your own acct security and "Unfollow" them so their posts don't flood your newsfeed. If you use Facebook Messenger then "archive" the contact to hide them out of the way of people you talk to. All this is best achieved by adding them one at a time to keep track of the names.
It shows I have two tickets but when I click on the tickets, instead of taking me to a list of parties, it shows me how I can buy more tickets. Something isn't working right because I have used tickets to go to parties in the past. Also, while I'm at it, I can't ever buy tickets. The thing just sits and spins and spins and spins forever.
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