Having a master list of which playlists give you which badge



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    Sylvain Bourdeau

    Maybe I have what you are looking for


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    Well said Allison, definitely would make finding and deciding on which pls to buy much easier. 

    I had my VIP day Monday and plan a day around exercise and mastering playlists, and can’t count the number of cuss words that came outta this mouth in practice mode trying to find lists to play wo5 specific badges. 


    Soooo frustrating, not unlike the greediness of Song Pop trying too hard to convert everyone to VIP.  I predict advertiser revenue is about to severely go in the toilet bc they’re going to lose A LOT of die hards over this decision, but that’s a topic for another discussion. 

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    Also showing how to get more of the rare badges like the pride one..

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    •JellyBean Bear•

    Thank you @Sylvain this is exactly what i was searching for. Idk a web like this exists. It's well organized and lists out every albums correctly. I wish i knew it sooner instead of spending hours looking for my favorite badges

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    Suzanne Lambert

    Great list @sylvain. Ty

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