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    Soumyadip Chaudhury


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    Richard Edward

    Yes, hamsters can eat blueberries in moderation! They're a great treat because they're packed with vitamins, but too many can upset their tummy. Just make sure to wash them well and cut them into small pieces. Does your hamster enjoy them? 🐹🍇

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    Domain Esia

    Yes, hamsters can eat blueberries in moderation! They’re a healthy treat, packed with antioxidants and vitamins. Just make sure to give them a small piece, as too much fruit can upset their tummy. Always remove any uneaten portions to avoid spoilage. Have you given your hamster any fruits before?

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    Juan Fraust

    There are some fruits that hamsters should not eat: citrus fruits (orange, lemons, limes...), grapes and raisins, cherries with pits (pits contain cyanide which is poisonous to hamsters), apple seeds, stone fruits (peaches, plums, apricots....). Join Penalty Shooters to test your skills!


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