Assistance Needed: Changing Username on SongPop2



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    John Carrel

    Helix Jump 2 presents challenging levels, vibrant visuals, addictive gameplay; navigate spiral tower, avoid obstacles, reach the bottom; customizable balls.

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    Lunch Time Results

    However, I can guide you on how to typically go about it:

    1. Check Settings: First, look within the settings or account options within the game. Sometimes, there's an option to edit your profile or username directly from there.

    2. Contact Support: If there isn't an option to change your username in the settings, your best bet is to contact SongPop2's support team directly. They should be able to assist you in changing your username or provide guidance on how to do so.

    3. New Account: As a last resort, if changing your username isn't possible through the game or support, you might need to create a new account with the desired username. However, this would mean starting over from scratch with your progress in the game. Read more here :

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