How do you play the cupcake game?



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    To play the cupcake game, gather players in a circle and designate one person as the "baker." The baker whispers a unicorn names male to each player, who then takes turns saying their assigned name while passing a cupcake around. When the baker says stop, the person holding the cupcake must guess who has their assigned unicorn name. If correct, they get the cupcake; if not, they continue playing until someone wins.

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    clark jenifer

    Each player chooses a plate board. cards and place them face down in a pile on the table. To help younger players find the di erent cards, the ten di erent cupcake cards are shown on the reverse of the recipe board. If the cupcake Resso for IOS matches a cupcake on the table and your plate, add both cards to the pile on your plate.

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