Australian music
Add "Midnights" Songs:
If "Midnights" is a new album or song release by Taylor Swift, you can manually add the songs to your existing playlists.
Open your preferred music streaming platform (e.g., Spotify, Apple Music).
Search for "Midnights" or the specific songs from the album.
Add the songs to your existing Taylor Swift playlists.
Add "Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)" Songs:Similar to "Midnights," if "Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)" has been released, you can add the re-recorded songs to your playlists.
Search for "Speak Now (Taylor’s Opus Pro Version)" on your music streaming platform.
Add the re-recorded songs to your existing playlists.
Update Playlist Descriptions:Consider updating the descriptions of your Taylor Swift playlists to reflect the inclusion of new releases like "Midnights" and "Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)."
Mention that the playlists now feature the latest songs from these albums.
Create New Playlists:If you prefer to keep the existing playlists as they are, you can create new playlists specifically for "Midnights" and "Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)."
Organize your Taylor Swift collection with playlists for each album or era. -
Some notable Australian musicians include AC/DC, INXS, Tame Impala, Sia, Kylie Minogue, Men at Work, Keith Urban, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, and many more. The diversity in Australian music spans rock, pop, electronic, country, and alternative genres.
AC/DC, INXS, Tame Impala, Sia, Kylie Minogue, Men at Work, Keith Urban, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, and others are among the most well-known Australian musicians. Australian music is diverse, with styles including rock, pop, techno, country, and alternative.
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