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    benstokes (Edited )

    As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, it is true that the Flash programming language has been deprecated and will be officially retired by Adobe at the end of 2020. This means that web browsers and other platforms are gradually phasing out support for Flash content due to security concerns and the availability of alternative technologies.

    Regarding Facebook Gameroom and PC Songpop, if they still rely on Flash as their underlying technology, it's essential for the developers of these applications to update them to use modern programming languages and technologies. They would need to migrate their games to alternative platforms or rewrite them using technologies such as HTML5, JavaScript, or other suitable frameworks.

    It's recommended to check for any updates or announcements from the developers of Facebook Gameroom and PC Songpop regarding their plans to transition away from Flash. They may have released newer versions or alternatives to ensure compatibility and continued support for their games beyond the retirement of Flash.











































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