Previous opponents



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    mariana mari

    When you end a game or delete an opponent, their profile appears under "previous opponents" and you have to wait 7 days to play again with them because it is a feature implemented by the game developers to prevent abuse or harassment. This waiting period allows players to take a break from playing against the same opponent repeatedly, which can lead to unfair advantages or unpleasant experiences.

    On the other hand, if you delete or end a game with someone and their profile doesn't appear under "previous opponents," it could be due to various reasons. It's possible that the game has a limited history log and only displays a certain number of previous opponents. Alternatively, there may be a technical issue or a bug in the game's system that prevents the profile from appearing.

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    Verify Btc

    When you end a game or delete an opponent, their profile appears under "previous opponents" and you have to wait 7 days to play again with them because it is a feature hanging-hyena-word-finder by the game developers to prevent abuse or harassment. This waiting period allows players to take a break from playing against the same opponent repeatedly, which can lead to unfair advantages or unpleasant experiences.

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