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    Kristin Jenkins

    Yesterday (8/18/18) . my games wouldn't load.  When I went in today, the game loaded, but said I missed a day.  I lost all of my progress.....

    I would appreciate it if you could put me back to where I was since it's not my fault I didn't get to play yesterday.  

    I had a boost at the bottom of the page and was on day 20 of the next month.  I don't mean to be a jerk but if this can't be remedied, I'll just quit playing.  I have enough stress in my life.  I don't need a game to add to it.  I play to de-stress.

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    Christian Hansenpoboy1

    using Opera GX currently but my Google chrome refuses to load this game and yesterday other flash games as well! time for a software fix!

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